Personality Psychology 1, Chapter 12
How would you describe what a personality consist of? What external/internal factors contributes to the development of a personality?
Is personality fixed or does it change with time? Explain your answer by providing personal examples of your personality fixations/changes.
How has your culture /society impacted 2 of your personality traits. Explain.
How has your family impacted 3 of your personality traits? Explain.
How has media impacted 2 of your personality traits? Explain.
How have you personally contributed to your own personality traits? Please list 3 traits you taught yourself to have and explain how you taught these traits to yourself.
Personality test (“5 Factor Model Test”):
Psychoanalytic Perspective
In his clinical practice, Freud encountered patients suffering from ____________________. Their complaints could not be explained in terms of purely ____________________.
Psychodynamic Perspective
Freud’s clinical experience led him to develop the first comprehensive theory of personality, which included the ____________________________________________________________.
Exploring the Unconscious
A reservoir (____________________) of ______________________________, wishes, feelings, and memories. Freud asked patients to say whatever came to their minds (____________________) in order to __________ unconscious.
Dream Analysis
Another method to analyze the unconscious mind is through interpreting __________and __________ contents of dreams.
The process of __________ (chain of __________) leads to painful, embarrassing unconscious __________. Once these memories are retrieved and released (treatment: ____________________) the patient feels better.
Model of Mind
Personality Structure
Personality develops as a result of our efforts to resolve conflicts between our ____________________ and ____________________.
Id, Ego and Superego
The ___________________ strives to satisfy basic ____________________ drives, operating on the __________ principle, demanding __________ gratification.
Personality Development
Freud believed that personality formed during the first few years of life divided into ____________________. During these stages the id’s pleasure-seeking energies focus on pleasure sensitive body areas called ____________________.
Psychosexual Stages
____________________ desire for his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father.
A girl’s desire for her father is called the ____________________.
Children cope with threatening feelings by ________________________________________. Through this process of identification, their ____________________________________________________________.
Defense Mechanisms
The ego’s protective methods of ____________________________________________________________.
Council #5
FREUD’S Psychoanalytic theory
What is your behavior mainly guided by when you are with family (your id, ego or superego)? Please share 1 example to support the analysis of yourself.
What is your behavior mainly guided by when you are at school/work (your id, ego or superego)? Please share 1 example to support the analysis of yourself.
What is your behavior mainly guided by when you are with friends (your id, ego or superego)? Please share 1 example to support the analysis of yourself.
Think about a close friend/family member/significant other. What is their behavior mainly guided by (their id, ego or superego)? How do you two interact considering the roles the id, ego and superego have on each of your behaviors?
Pick 1-2 stages you think your personality is most influenced by the most (oral, anal, phallic, latency, or genital)? What stage would Freud say you were fixated on? Explain your answer.
What 2 defense mechanisms do you know you use often? Please share an example of each.
What do you think about Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory? What do you like and dislike about his theory? Explain.
The Neo-Freudians
Like Freud, Adler believed in childhood tensions. However, these tensions were social in nature and not sexual. A child struggles with an ____________________ during growth and strives for __________ and __________.
The Neo-Freudians
Like Adler, Horney believed in the social aspects of childhood growth and development. Horney, __________ Freud’s assumption that women have ____________________ and suffer from “__________”
The Neo-Freudians
__________ believed in the ____________________, which contained a common reservoir of images derived from our species’ past. This is why many cultures share certain myths and images such as the __________ being a ____________________.
Assessing Unconscious Processes
Evaluating personality from an unconscious mind’s perspective would require a psychological instrument (__________) that would reveal the ____________________ mind.
Developed by Henry Murray, the TAT is a projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through the __________________________________________________.
____________________ Inkblot Test
The most widely used projective test uses a set of 10 inkblots and was designed by Hermann Rorschach. It seeks to identify ____________________ by __________ their __________ of the blots.
Projective Tests: Criticisms
Critics argue that projective tests lack both __________ (consistency of results) and __________ (predicting what it is supposed to).
Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Perspective
Personality ______________________________________ and is not fixed in childhood.
Freud ______________________________________, which may be as powerful as parental influence.
Gender identity may develop ___________________ of age.
Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Perspective
There may be other reasons for dreams besides ___________________.
___________________ can be explained on the basis of ___________________ of verbal choices.
Suppressed sexuality leads to psychological disorders. ___________________ has decreased, but psychological disorders have not.
Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Perspective
Freud's psychoanalytic theory rests on the ___________________of painful experiences into the ___________________ mind.
Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Perspective
The scientific merits of Freud’s theory have been criticized. Psychoanalysis is ___________________. Most of its concepts arise out of clinical practice, which are the ______________________________________.
Humanistic Perspective
By the 1960s, psychologists became discontent with _________________________________________________________.
Self-Actualizing Person
Maslow proposed that we as individuals are ______________________________________. Beginning with physiological needs, we try to reach the state of _________________________________________________________.
Person-Centered Perspective
Carl Rogers also believed in an individual's ___________________ tendencies. He said that ______________________________________ is an ___________________ of others despite their failings.
Assessing the Self
All of our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, in an answer to the question, “___________________” refers to ___________________.
Evaluating the Humanistic Perspective
Humanistic psychology has a pervasive impact on counseling, education, child-rearing, and management with its emphasis on ______________________________________, empathy, and the thought that people are basically ______________________________________.
Evaluating the Humanistic Perspective
Concepts in humanistic psychology are ___________________ and lack scientific basis.
The individualism encouraged can lead to self-indulgence, selfishness, and an erosion of moral restraints.
Humanistic psychology fails to appreciate the reality of our ___________________. It lacks adequate balance between ________________________________.
The Trait Perspective
An individual’s unique constellation of ___________________ and consistent ways of behaving ___________________ his or her personality.
Biology and Personality
Assessing Traits
___________________ are questionnaires (often with true-false or agree-disagree items) designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviors assessing several traits at once.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (___________________) is the most widely researched and clinically used of all personality tests. It was originally developed to identify emotional disorders.
MMPI Test Profile
The Big Five Factors
Today’s trait researchers believe that earlier trait dimensions, such as Eysencks’ personality dimensions, fail to tell the whole story. So, an expanded range (___________________) of traits does a better job of assessment.
Social-Cognitive Perspective
___________________ (1986, 2001, 2005) believes that personality is the result of an interaction that takes place between a person and their social context.
Personal Control
___________________ refers to the perception that chance or ___________________ beyond our personal control determine our fate.
Learned Helplessness
When unable to avoid repeated adverse events an animal or human ___________________.
Optimism vs. Pessimism
An optimistic or pessimistic attributional style is ______________________________________.
Positive Psychology and Humanistic Psychology
Positive psychology, such as humanistic psychology, attempts to foster ___________________. Positive psychology, in addition, seeks ___________________, positive character, and positive ___________________.
Exploring the Self
Research on the self has a long history because the ______________________________________is a critical part of our personality.
Benefits of Self-Esteem
___________________ argued that a successful life results from a healthy ___________________.
Self-Serving Bias
We accept responsibility for good deeds and successes more than for bad deeds and failures. ___________________ is fragile and egotistic whereas ___________________ is less fragile and less dependent on external evaluation.
Are you an extrovert or an introvert? What are 2 things you dislike about being an extrovert/introvert?
What are 3 great things about being an extrovert or introvert based on your personal experience? How have you used being an extrovert/introvert to your advantage in the “real world”?
What is your understanding of self actualization? Do you want to be self actualized? If so, what steps would you need to take now to help you move into the process of self actualization?
Talk about one person that you know and believe is self actualized. Describe their personality. Explain why you believe they are self actualized.
Personality test (“5 Factor Model Test”):
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