Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chapter 15 Social Psychology - Council 2 & 3

Social Psychology Psychology 1,
Chapter 15

Focuses in Social Psychology Attributing Behavior to Persons or to Situations

Attribution Theory: Fritz Heider (1958) suggested that we have a tendency to give causal explanations for someone’s behavior, often by______________________________________________

Attributing Behavior to Persons or to Situations A teacher may wonder whether a child’s hostility reflects an aggressive personality (_______________________attribution) or is a reaction to stress or abuse _______________________ (attribution).

Fundamental Attribution Error The tendency to _____________________________________________________________________ the impact of the situations in analyzing the behaviors of others leads to the fundamental attribution error.

Role Playing Affects Attitudes Zimbardo (1972) assigned the roles of guards and prisoners to random students and found that ___________________________________________________________________ Every culture has:

Social roles – Culturally determined guidelines of _______________ that is expected of people, many different _________

Social norms – __________________ provided by every culture for judging acceptable and unacceptable behavior (spoken and unspoken rules).

Social Influence The greatest contribution of social psychology is its study of attitudes, beliefs, decisions, and actions and the way they are molded by social influence.

Conformity & Obedience Behavior is contagious, modeled by one followed by another. We follow behavior of others to ______________________

Other behaviors may be an expression of compliance (obedience) toward authority.

Group Pressure &; Conformity An influence resulting from one’s willingness to accept others’ opinions about reality.

Council 2

1. List 2 social roles you play out either in your family or work. Discuss how 1 of these impacts your behavior. Share how this social role may influence your overall personality.

2. Think about a time when you felt pressure to conform to a social role or norm. What was the role or norm that was expected of you? What kind of pressure did you feel (how was it expressed)? How did you respond to it?

3. Think about a time when you realized that the image you had of yourself changed. What changed about how you saw yourself, and what made it change? How did your attitude toward yourself change afterward? What about your attitude toward others?

4. What are your thoughts, do people conform on a regular/irregular basis? Are we mindless zombies? Explain your answer. Deindividuation The loss of ______________________________________ in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity.

Groupthink A mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for ______________ in a decision-making group _______________________________ appraisal of alternatives.

Prejudice Simply called “prejudgment,” a prejudice is an ___________________________________________ toward a group and its members.

Prejudice is often directed towards different cultural, ethnic, or gender groups. Reign of Prejudice Prejudice works at the conscious and [more at] the unconscious level. Therefore, prejudice is more like a ______________________________________________________________________

How Prejudiced are People?

Over the duration of time many prejudices against interracial marriage, gender, homosexuality, and minorities have decreased. Racial &; Gender Prejudice Americans today express much less racial and gender prejudice, but prejudices still exist. Race Nine out of ten white respondents were slow when responding to words like “peace” or “paradise” when they saw a black individual’s photo compared to a white individual’s photo (Hugenberg & Bodenhausen, 2003). Gender Most women still live in more poverty than men. About 100,000,000 women are missing in the world. There is a preference for male children in China and India, even with sex-selected abortion outlawed. Social Roots of Prejudice

Why does prejudice arise?

Social Inequality Prejudice develops when people have money, power, and prestige, and _______________________. _______________________________ increases prejudice. Us and

Them Ingroup: People with whom one shares a _____________________________. Outgroup:
Those perceived as different from one’s ingroup.

Ingroup Bias: The tendency to ________________________________ Emotional Roots of Prejudice Prejudice provides an outlet for ____________________] by providing someone to ___________.
After 9/11 many people lashed out against innocent Arab-Americans.

Council #3
1. Think of a time you were treated based on a stereotype someone had of your group (this can be based on your ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion). Explain what was said to you and how you responded.

2. How did you feel about what was said?. How did you respond? How has this situation impacted your view on the world, others, or yourself?

3. Share a story of when you have actively, peacefully, and maturely combated a stereotype you experienced. Describe what was said and your approach in resolving the issue. If this question does not apply, imagine and state how you would have responded to maturely to question #1 and #2.

4. Lets challenge society to be more accepting by modeling accepting and loving behavior. You in? Describe one way you can challenge one of your own stereotypes/prejudice.

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